The Harmony House EQuilibrium Project located in Burnaby, British Columbia is a net zero energy house and a winning entry in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s EQuilibrium™ Initiative competition. 

The Harmony House EQuilibrium Project located in Burnaby, British Columbia is a net zero energy house and a winning entry in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s EQuilibrium™ Initiative competition. 

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"Imagine a modern vibrant neighbourhood that's energy efficient, economically viable, and environmentally sustainable."

Last weekend I attended a conference themed "Partnering for Success" that discussed how sustainable communities like this could be realistically achieved.  It was hosted by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' (FCM) 2009 Annual Conference and Municipal Expo in beautiful Whistler, BC.

Community leaders from all over the country assembled to discuss and learn about issues and opportunities to strengthen and better serve their communities.
